Source code for schemathesis.schemas

"""Schema objects provide a convenient interface to raw schemas.

Their responsibilities:
  - Provide a unified way to work with different types of schemas
  - Give all paths / methods combinations that are available directly from the schema;

They give only static definitions of paths.

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from contextlib import nullcontext
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urljoin, urlparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit

import hypothesis
from hypothesis.strategies import SearchStrategy
from pyrate_limiter import Limiter

from ._dependency_versions import IS_PYRATE_LIMITER_ABOVE_3
from ._hypothesis import create_test
from .auths import AuthStorage
from .code_samples import CodeSampleStyle
from .constants import NOT_SET
from .exceptions import OperationSchemaError, UsageError
from .generation import (
from .hooks import HookContext, HookDispatcher, HookScope, dispatch
from .internal.result import Ok, Result
from .models import APIOperation, Case
from .stateful import Stateful, StatefulTest
from .stateful.state_machine import APIStateMachine
from .types import (
from .utils import PARAMETRIZE_MARKER, GivenInput, combine_strategies, given_proxy

    from .transports import Transport
    from .transports.responses import GenericResponse

C = TypeVar("C", bound=Case)

def get_full_path(base_path: str, path: str) -> str:
    return unquote(urljoin(base_path, quote(path.lstrip("/"))))

[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class BaseSchema(Mapping): raw_schema: dict[str, Any] transport: Transport location: str | None = None base_url: str | None = None method: Filter | None = None endpoint: Filter | None = None tag: Filter | None = None operation_id: Filter | None = None app: Any = None hooks: HookDispatcher = field(default_factory=lambda: HookDispatcher(scope=HookScope.SCHEMA)) auth: AuthStorage = field(default_factory=AuthStorage) test_function: GenericTest | None = None validate_schema: bool = True skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False data_generation_methods: list[DataGenerationMethod] = field( default_factory=lambda: list(DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS) ) generation_config: GenerationConfig = field(default_factory=GenerationConfig) code_sample_style: CodeSampleStyle = CodeSampleStyle.default() rate_limiter: Limiter | None = None sanitize_output: bool = True def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self.operations) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> APIOperationMap: __tracebackhide__ = True try: return self.operations[item] except KeyError as exc: self.on_missing_operation(item, exc) def on_missing_operation(self, item: str, exc: KeyError) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.operations) def hook(self, hook: str | Callable) -> Callable: return self.hooks.register(hook) @property def verbose_name(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def get_full_path(self, path: str) -> str: """Compute full path for the given path.""" return get_full_path(self.base_path, path) @property def base_path(self) -> str: """Base path for the schema.""" # if `base_url` is specified, then it should include base path # Example: if self.base_url: path = urlsplit(self.base_url).path else: path = self._get_base_path() if not path.endswith("/"): path += "/" return path def _get_base_path(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def _build_base_url(self) -> str: path = self._get_base_path() parts = urlsplit(self.location or "")[:2] + (path, "", "") return urlunsplit(parts) def get_base_url(self) -> str: base_url = self.base_url if base_url is not None: return base_url.rstrip("/") return self._build_base_url() def validate(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @property def operations(self) -> dict[str, APIOperationMap]: if not hasattr(self, "_operations"): operations = self.get_all_operations() self._operations = self._store_operations(operations) return self._operations def _store_operations( self, operations: Generator[Result[APIOperation, OperationSchemaError], None, None] ) -> dict[str, APIOperationMap]: raise NotImplementedError @property def operations_count(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError @property def links_count(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError def get_all_operations( self, hooks: HookDispatcher | None = None ) -> Generator[Result[APIOperation, OperationSchemaError], None, None]: raise NotImplementedError def get_strategies_from_examples(self, operation: APIOperation) -> list[SearchStrategy[Case]]: """Get examples from the API operation.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_security_requirements(self, operation: APIOperation) -> list[str]: """Get applied security requirements for the given API operation.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_stateful_tests( self, response: GenericResponse, operation: APIOperation, stateful: Stateful | None ) -> Sequence[StatefulTest]: """Get a list of additional tests, that should be executed after this response from the API operation.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_parameter_serializer(self, operation: APIOperation, location: str) -> Callable | None: """Get a function that serializes parameters for the given location.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_all_tests( self, func: Callable, settings: hypothesis.settings | None = None, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, seed: int | None = None, as_strategy_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | Callable[[APIOperation], dict[str, Any]] | None = None, hooks: HookDispatcher | None = None, _given_kwargs: dict[str, GivenInput] | None = None, ) -> Generator[Result[tuple[APIOperation, Callable], OperationSchemaError], None, None]: """Generate all operations and Hypothesis tests for them.""" for result in self.get_all_operations(hooks=hooks): if isinstance(result, Ok): operation = result.ok() _as_strategy_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None if callable(as_strategy_kwargs): _as_strategy_kwargs = as_strategy_kwargs(operation) else: _as_strategy_kwargs = as_strategy_kwargs test = create_test( operation=operation, test=func, settings=settings, seed=seed, data_generation_methods=self.data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, as_strategy_kwargs=_as_strategy_kwargs, _given_kwargs=_given_kwargs, ) yield Ok((operation, test)) else: yield result
[docs] def parametrize( self, method: Filter | None = NOT_SET, endpoint: Filter | None = NOT_SET, tag: Filter | None = NOT_SET, operation_id: Filter | None = NOT_SET, validate_schema: bool | NotSet = NOT_SET, skip_deprecated_operations: bool | NotSet = NOT_SET, data_generation_methods: Iterable[DataGenerationMethod] | NotSet = NOT_SET, code_sample_style: str | NotSet = NOT_SET, ) -> Callable: """Mark a test function as a parametrized one.""" _code_sample_style = ( CodeSampleStyle.from_str(code_sample_style) if isinstance(code_sample_style, str) else code_sample_style ) def wrapper(func: GenericTest) -> GenericTest: if hasattr(func, PARAMETRIZE_MARKER): def wrapped_test(*_: Any, **__: Any) -> NoReturn: raise UsageError( f"You have applied `parametrize` to the `{func.__name__}` test more than once, which " "overrides the previous decorator. " "The `parametrize` decorator could be applied to the same function at most once." ) return wrapped_test HookDispatcher.add_dispatcher(func) cloned = self.clone( test_function=func, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, validate_schema=validate_schema, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, code_sample_style=_code_sample_style, # type: ignore ) setattr(func, PARAMETRIZE_MARKER, cloned) return func return wrapper
[docs] def given(self, *args: GivenInput, **kwargs: GivenInput) -> Callable: """Proxy Hypothesis strategies to ``hypothesis.given``.""" return given_proxy(*args, **kwargs)
def clone( self, *, base_url: str | None | NotSet = NOT_SET, test_function: GenericTest | None = None, method: Filter | None = NOT_SET, endpoint: Filter | None = NOT_SET, tag: Filter | None = NOT_SET, operation_id: Filter | None = NOT_SET, app: Any = NOT_SET, hooks: HookDispatcher | NotSet = NOT_SET, auth: AuthStorage | NotSet = NOT_SET, validate_schema: bool | NotSet = NOT_SET, skip_deprecated_operations: bool | NotSet = NOT_SET, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput | NotSet = NOT_SET, generation_config: GenerationConfig | NotSet = NOT_SET, code_sample_style: CodeSampleStyle | NotSet = NOT_SET, rate_limiter: Limiter | None = NOT_SET, sanitize_output: bool | NotSet | None = NOT_SET, ) -> BaseSchema: if base_url is NOT_SET: base_url = self.base_url if method is NOT_SET: method = self.method if endpoint is NOT_SET: endpoint = self.endpoint if tag is NOT_SET: tag = self.tag if operation_id is NOT_SET: operation_id = self.operation_id if app is NOT_SET: app = if validate_schema is NOT_SET: validate_schema = self.validate_schema if skip_deprecated_operations is NOT_SET: skip_deprecated_operations = self.skip_deprecated_operations if hooks is NOT_SET: hooks = self.hooks if auth is NOT_SET: auth = self.auth if data_generation_methods is NOT_SET: data_generation_methods = self.data_generation_methods if generation_config is NOT_SET: generation_config = self.generation_config if code_sample_style is NOT_SET: code_sample_style = self.code_sample_style if rate_limiter is NOT_SET: rate_limiter = self.rate_limiter if sanitize_output is NOT_SET: sanitize_output = self.sanitize_output return self.__class__( self.raw_schema, location=self.location, base_url=base_url, # type: ignore method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, app=app, hooks=hooks, # type: ignore auth=auth, # type: ignore test_function=test_function, validate_schema=validate_schema, # type: ignore skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, # type: ignore data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, # type: ignore generation_config=generation_config, # type: ignore code_sample_style=code_sample_style, # type: ignore rate_limiter=rate_limiter, # type: ignore sanitize_output=sanitize_output, # type: ignore transport=self.transport, ) def get_local_hook_dispatcher(self) -> HookDispatcher | None: """Get a HookDispatcher instance bound to the test if present.""" # It might be not present when it is used without pytest via `APIOperation.as_strategy()` if self.test_function is not None: # Might be missing it in case of `LazySchema` usage return getattr(self.test_function, "_schemathesis_hooks", None) # type: ignore return None def dispatch_hook(self, name: str, context: HookContext, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Dispatch a hook via all available dispatchers.""" dispatch(name, context, *args, **kwargs) self.hooks.dispatch(name, context, *args, **kwargs) local_dispatcher = self.get_local_hook_dispatcher() if local_dispatcher is not None: local_dispatcher.dispatch(name, context, *args, **kwargs) def prepare_multipart( self, form_data: FormData, operation: APIOperation ) -> tuple[list | None, dict[str, Any] | None]: """Split content of `form_data` into files & data. Forms may contain file fields, that we should send via `files` argument in `requests`. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_request_payload_content_types(self, operation: APIOperation) -> list[str]: raise NotImplementedError def make_case( self, *, case_cls: type[C], operation: APIOperation, path_parameters: PathParameters | None = None, headers: Headers | None = None, cookies: Cookies | None = None, query: Query | None = None, body: Body | NotSet = NOT_SET, media_type: str | None = None, ) -> C: raise NotImplementedError def get_case_strategy( self, operation: APIOperation, hooks: HookDispatcher | None = None, auth_storage: AuthStorage | None = None, data_generation_method: DataGenerationMethod = DataGenerationMethod.default(), generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchStrategy: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def as_state_machine(self) -> type[APIStateMachine]: """Create a state machine class. Use it for stateful testing. """ raise NotImplementedError
def get_links(self, operation: APIOperation) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: raise NotImplementedError def get_tags(self, operation: APIOperation) -> list[str] | None: raise NotImplementedError def validate_response(self, operation: APIOperation, response: GenericResponse) -> bool | None: raise NotImplementedError def prepare_schema(self, schema: Any) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError def ratelimit(self) -> ContextManager: """Limit the rate of sending generated requests.""" label = urlparse(self.base_url).netloc if self.rate_limiter is not None: if IS_PYRATE_LIMITER_ABOVE_3: self.rate_limiter.try_acquire(label) else: return self.rate_limiter.ratelimit(label, delay=True, max_delay=0) return nullcontext() def _get_payload_schema(self, definition: dict[str, Any], media_type: str) -> dict[str, Any] | None: raise NotImplementedError def as_strategy( self, hooks: HookDispatcher | None = None, auth_storage: AuthStorage | None = None, data_generation_method: DataGenerationMethod = DataGenerationMethod.default(), generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchStrategy: """Build a strategy for generating test cases for all defined API operations.""" assert len(self.operations) > 0, "No API operations found" strategies = [ operation.as_strategy( hooks=hooks, auth_storage=auth_storage, data_generation_method=data_generation_method, generation_config=generation_config, **kwargs, ) for operations in self.operations.values() for operation in operations.values() ] return combine_strategies(strategies)
@dataclass class APIOperationMap(MutableMapping): data: MutableMapping def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: APIOperation) -> None:[key] = value def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> APIOperation: return[item] def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter( def as_strategy( self, hooks: HookDispatcher | None = None, auth_storage: AuthStorage | None = None, data_generation_method: DataGenerationMethod = DataGenerationMethod.default(), generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchStrategy: """Build a strategy for generating test cases for all API operations defined in this subset.""" assert len( > 0, "No API operations found" strategies = [ operation.as_strategy( hooks=hooks, auth_storage=auth_storage, data_generation_method=data_generation_method, generation_config=generation_config, **kwargs, ) for operation in ] return combine_strategies(strategies)