Source code for schemathesis.targets

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

    from .models import Case
    from .transports.responses import GenericResponse

[docs]@dataclass class TargetContext: """Context for targeted testing. :ivar Case case: Generated example that is being processed. :ivar GenericResponse response: API response. :ivar float response_time: API response time. """ case: Case response: GenericResponse response_time: float
def response_time(context: TargetContext) -> float: return context.response_time Target = Callable[[TargetContext], float] DEFAULT_TARGETS = () OPTIONAL_TARGETS = (response_time,) ALL_TARGETS: tuple[Target, ...] = DEFAULT_TARGETS + OPTIONAL_TARGETS @dataclass class TargetMetricCollector: """Collect multiple observations for target metrics.""" targets: list[Target] observations: dict[str, list[int | float]] = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.observations = {target.__name__: [] for target in self.targets} def reset(self) -> None: """Reset all collected observations.""" for target in self.targets: self.observations[target.__name__].clear() def store(self, case: Case, response: GenericResponse) -> None: """Calculate target metrics & store them.""" context = TargetContext(case=case, response=response, response_time=response.elapsed.total_seconds()) for target in self.targets: self.observations[target.__name__].append(target(context)) def maximize(self) -> None: """Give feedback to the Hypothesis engine, so it maximizes the aggregated metrics.""" import hypothesis for target in self.targets: # Currently aggregation is just a sum metric = sum(self.observations[target.__name__]), label=target.__name__) def register(target: Target) -> Target: """Register a new testing target for schemathesis CLI. :param target: A function that will be called to calculate a metric passed to ````. """ from . import cli global ALL_TARGETS ALL_TARGETS += (target,) cli.TARGETS_TYPE.choices += (target.__name__,) # type: ignore return target