Disabling TLS certificate verification
Sometimes, during testing, it is needed to disable TLS verification of the service under test.
st run --request-tls-verify
import schemathesis
schema = schemathesis.from_uri("")
def test_api(case):
# If you need `response`
response =
# Alternatively if you don't need `response`
It is possible to use an unencrypted certificate (e.g. PEM) by using the --request-cert /file/path/example.pem
st run --request-cert client.pem ...
It is also possible to provide the certificate and the private key separately with the usage of the --request-cert-key /file/path/example.key
st run --request-cert client.crt --request-cert-key client.key ...
Using an HTTP(S) proxy
Sometimes you need to send your traffic to some other tools. You could set up a proxy via the following env variables:
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
$ st run
Per-route request timeouts
Different API operations may need different timeouts during testing. You could achieve it this way:
import schemathesis
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 # in seconds
schema = schemathesis.from_uri(SCHEMA_URL)
def test_api(case):
key = (
timeout = {
("GET", "/users"): 5,
# and so on
In the example above, the default timeout is 10 seconds, but for GET /users it will be 5 seconds.
Generating only required parameters
Sometimes you don’t need to generate all parameters for your API, and want to limit Schemathesis to only required ones. You can do it with the following hook:
import schemathesis
def before_init_operation(context, operation):
for parameter in operation.iter_parameters():
schema = parameter.definition.get("schema", {})
traverse_schema(schema, drop_optional_properties)
for alternative in operation.body:
schema = alternative.definition.get("schema", {})
traverse_schema(schema, drop_optional_properties)
def traverse_schema(schema, callback):
if isinstance(schema, dict):
schema = callback(schema)
for key, sub_item in schema.items():
schema[key] = traverse_schema(sub_item, callback)
elif isinstance(schema, list):
schema = [traverse_schema(sub_item, callback) for sub_item in schema]
return schema
def drop_optional_properties(schema):
required = schema.get("required", [])
properties = schema.get("properties", {})
for name in list(properties):
if name not in required:
del properties[name]
return schema
This hook will remove all optional properties from the parsed API operations.