
Schemathesis provides capabilities for testing GraphQL-based applications:

  • Generating conforming queries & mutations

  • Using default values in generated queries

  • Customizing scalars generation

  • Validating responses based on the presence of the errors field


This test will load GraphQL schema from, generate queries and mutations for it, send them to the server, and verify that responses are not 5xx.

st run

Or in Python tests:

import schemathesis

schema = schemathesis.graphql.from_url("")

def test(case):

If you want to narrow the testing scope, you can use --include-name and --exclude-name options in CLI and the name argument for include and exclude methods in Python tests:

st run --include-name Query.getBookings
import schemathesis

schema = schemathesis.graphql.from_url("")

def test(case):

For GraphQL, the name attribute is a combination of the type and the field name, for example, Query.getBookings or Mutation.updateUser.

Additionally, you can disable using null values for optional arguments via the --generation-graphql-allow-null=false CLI option.

Custom scalars

Standard scalars work out of the box, for custom ones you need to pass custom strategies that generate proper AST nodes:

from hypothesis import strategies as st
import schemathesis
from schemathesis.graphql import nodes

schemathesis.graphql.scalar("Date", st.dates().map(nodes.String))

Such a strategy generates valid dates as strings, for example:

{ getByDate(created: "2000-01-01") }

To simplify AST node generation, use schemathesis.graphql.nodes to generate AST nodes of the desired type. There are ready-to-use factories for common node types. They correspond to the following nodes in the graphql library:

  • String -> graphql.StringValueNode

  • Float -> graphql.FloatValueNode

  • Int -> graphql.IntValueNode

  • Object -> graphql.ObjectValueNode

  • List -> graphql.ListValueNode

  • Boolean -> graphql.BooleanValueNode

  • Enum -> graphql.EnumValueNode

  • Null -> graphql.NullValueNode (a constant, not a function)

They exist because classes like graphql.StringValueNode can’t be directly used in Hypothesis’ map calls due to kwarg-only arguments.


Schemathesis does not generate negative data for GraphQL schemas.