"""Support for custom API authentication mechanisms."""
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import threading
import time
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (
from .exceptions import UsageError
from .filters import FilterSet, FilterValue, MatcherFunc, attach_filter_chain
import requests.auth
from .models import APIOperation, Case
from .types import GenericTest
AUTH_STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "_schemathesis_auth"
Auth = TypeVar("Auth")
class AuthContext:
"""Holds state relevant for the authentication process.
:ivar APIOperation operation: API operation that is currently being processed.
:ivar app: Optional Python application if the WSGI / ASGI integration is used.
operation: APIOperation
app: Any | None
CacheKeyFunction = Callable[["Case", "AuthContext"], Union[str, int]]
class AuthProvider(Generic[Auth], Protocol):
"""Get authentication data for an API and set it on the generated test cases."""
[docs] def get(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> Auth | None:
"""Get the authentication data.
:param Case case: Generated test case.
:param AuthContext context: Holds state relevant for the authentication process.
:return: Any authentication data you find useful for your use case. For example, it could be an access token.
[docs] def set(self, case: Case, data: Auth, context: AuthContext) -> None:
"""Set authentication data on a generated test case.
:param Optional[Auth] data: Authentication data you got from the ``get`` method.
:param Case case: Generated test case.
:param AuthContext context: Holds state relevant for the authentication process.
class CacheEntry(Generic[Auth]):
"""Cached auth data."""
data: Auth
expires: float
class RequestsAuth(Generic[Auth]):
"""Provider that sets auth data via `requests` auth instance."""
auth: requests.auth.AuthBase
def get(self, _: Case, __: AuthContext) -> Auth | None:
return self.auth # type: ignore[return-value]
def set(self, case: Case, _: Auth, __: AuthContext) -> None:
case._auth = self.auth
class CachingAuthProvider(Generic[Auth]):
"""Caches the underlying auth provider."""
provider: AuthProvider
refresh_interval: int = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL
cache_entry: CacheEntry[Auth] | None = None
# The timer exists here to simplify testing
timer: Callable[[], float] = time.monotonic
_refresh_lock: threading.Lock = field(default_factory=threading.Lock)
def get(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> Auth | None:
"""Get cached auth value."""
cache_entry = self._get_cache_entry(case, context)
if cache_entry is None or self.timer() >= cache_entry.expires:
with self._refresh_lock:
cache_entry = self._get_cache_entry(case, context)
if not (cache_entry is None or self.timer() >= cache_entry.expires):
# Another thread updated the cache
return cache_entry.data
# We know that optional auth is possible only inside a higher-level wrapper
data: Auth = _provider_get(self.provider, case, context) # type: ignore[assignment]
self._set_cache_entry(data, case, context)
return data
return cache_entry.data
def _get_cache_entry(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> CacheEntry[Auth] | None:
return self.cache_entry
def _set_cache_entry(self, data: Auth, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> None:
self.cache_entry = CacheEntry(data=data, expires=self.timer() + self.refresh_interval)
def set(self, case: Case, data: Auth, context: AuthContext) -> None:
"""Set auth data on the `Case` instance.
This implementation delegates this to the actual provider.
self.provider.set(case, data, context)
def _noop_key_function(case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> str:
# Never used
raise NotImplementedError
class KeyedCachingAuthProvider(CachingAuthProvider[Auth]):
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction = _noop_key_function
cache_entries: dict[str | int, CacheEntry[Auth] | None] = field(default_factory=dict)
def _get_cache_entry(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> CacheEntry[Auth] | None:
key = self.cache_by_key(case, context)
return self.cache_entries.get(key)
def _set_cache_entry(self, data: Auth, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> None:
key = self.cache_by_key(case, context)
self.cache_entries[key] = CacheEntry(data=data, expires=self.timer() + self.refresh_interval)
class FilterableRegisterAuth(Protocol):
"""Protocol that adds filters to the return value of `register`."""
def __call__(self, provider_class: type[AuthProvider]) -> type[AuthProvider]:
def apply_to(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableRegisterAuth:
def skip_for(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableRegisterAuth:
class FilterableApplyAuth(Protocol):
"""Protocol that adds filters to the return value of `apply`."""
def __call__(self, test: GenericTest) -> GenericTest:
def apply_to(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableApplyAuth:
def skip_for(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableApplyAuth:
class FilterableRequestsAuth(Protocol):
"""Protocol that adds filters to the return value of `set_from_requests`."""
def apply_to(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableRequestsAuth:
def skip_for(
func: MatcherFunc | None = None,
name: FilterValue | None = None,
name_regex: str | None = None,
method: FilterValue | None = None,
method_regex: str | None = None,
path: FilterValue | None = None,
path_regex: str | None = None,
) -> FilterableRequestsAuth:
class SelectiveAuthProvider(Generic[Auth]):
"""Applies auth depending on the configured filters."""
provider: AuthProvider
filter_set: FilterSet
def get(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> Auth | None:
if self.filter_set.match(context):
return _provider_get(self.provider, case, context)
return None
def set(self, case: Case, data: Auth, context: AuthContext) -> None:
self.provider.set(case, data, context)
class AuthStorage(Generic[Auth]):
"""Store and manage API authentication."""
providers: list[AuthProvider] = field(default_factory=list)
def is_defined(self) -> bool:
"""Whether there is an auth provider set."""
return bool(self.providers)
def __call__(
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
) -> FilterableRegisterAuth:
def __call__(
provider_class: type[AuthProvider],
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
) -> FilterableApplyAuth:
def __call__(
provider_class: type[AuthProvider] | None = None,
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
) -> FilterableRegisterAuth | FilterableApplyAuth:
if provider_class is not None:
return self.apply(provider_class, refresh_interval=refresh_interval, cache_by_key=cache_by_key)
return self.register(refresh_interval=refresh_interval, cache_by_key=cache_by_key)
def set_from_requests(self, auth: requests.auth.AuthBase) -> FilterableRequestsAuth:
"""Use `requests` auth instance as an auth provider."""
filter_set = FilterSet()
self.providers.append(SelectiveAuthProvider(provider=RequestsAuth(auth), filter_set=filter_set))
class _FilterableRequestsAuth:
attach_filter_chain(_FilterableRequestsAuth, "apply_to", filter_set.include)
attach_filter_chain(_FilterableRequestsAuth, "skip_for", filter_set.exclude)
return _FilterableRequestsAuth # type: ignore[return-value]
def _set_provider(
provider_class: type[AuthProvider],
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
filter_set: FilterSet,
) -> None:
if not issubclass(provider_class, AuthProvider):
raise TypeError(
f"`{provider_class.__name__}` is not a valid auth provider. "
f"Check `schemathesis.auths.AuthProvider` documentation for examples."
provider: AuthProvider
# Apply caching if desired
instance = provider_class()
if refresh_interval is not None:
if cache_by_key is None:
provider = CachingAuthProvider(instance, refresh_interval=refresh_interval)
provider = KeyedCachingAuthProvider(
instance, refresh_interval=refresh_interval, cache_by_key=cache_by_key
provider = instance
# Store filters if any
if not filter_set.is_empty():
provider = SelectiveAuthProvider(provider, filter_set)
def register(
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
) -> FilterableRegisterAuth:
"""Register a new auth provider.
.. code-block:: python
class TokenAuth:
def get(self, context):
response = requests.post(
json={"username": "demo", "password": "test"},
data = response.json()
return data["access_token"]
def set(self, case, data, context):
# Modify `case` the way you need
case.headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {data}"}
filter_set = FilterSet()
def wrapper(provider_class: type[AuthProvider]) -> type[AuthProvider]:
return provider_class
attach_filter_chain(wrapper, "apply_to", filter_set.include)
attach_filter_chain(wrapper, "skip_for", filter_set.exclude)
return wrapper # type: ignore[return-value]
def unregister(self) -> None:
"""Unregister the currently registered auth provider.
No-op if there is no auth provider registered.
self.providers = []
def apply(
provider_class: type[AuthProvider],
refresh_interval: int | None = DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL,
cache_by_key: CacheKeyFunction | None = None,
) -> FilterableApplyAuth:
"""Register auth provider only on one test function.
:param Type[AuthProvider] provider_class: Authentication provider class.
:param Optional[int] refresh_interval: Cache duration in seconds.
.. code-block:: python
class Auth:
def test_api(case):
filter_set = FilterSet()
def wrapper(test: GenericTest) -> GenericTest:
auth_storage = self.add_auth_storage(test)
return test
attach_filter_chain(wrapper, "apply_to", filter_set.include)
attach_filter_chain(wrapper, "skip_for", filter_set.exclude)
return wrapper # type: ignore[return-value]
def add_auth_storage(cls, test: GenericTest) -> AuthStorage:
"""Attach a new auth storage instance to the test if it is not already present."""
if not hasattr(test, AUTH_STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME):
setattr(test, AUTH_STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, cls())
raise UsageError(f"`{test.__name__}` has already been decorated with `apply`.")
return getattr(test, AUTH_STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
def set(self, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> None:
"""Set authentication data on a generated test case."""
if not self.is_defined:
raise UsageError("No auth provider is defined.")
for provider in self.providers:
data: Auth | None = _provider_get(provider, case, context)
if data is not None:
provider.set(case, data, context)
case._has_explicit_auth = True
def _provider_get(auth_provider: AuthProvider, case: Case, context: AuthContext) -> Auth | None:
# A shim to provide a compatibility layer between previously used convention for `AuthProvider.get`
# where it used to accept a single `context` argument
method = auth_provider.get
parameters = inspect.signature(method).parameters
if len(parameters) == 1:
# Old calling convention
"The method 'get' of your AuthProvider is using the old calling convention, "
"which is deprecated and will be removed in Schemathesis 4.0. "
"Please update it to accept both 'case' and 'context' as arguments.",
return method(context) # type: ignore
# New calling convention
return method(case, context)
def set_on_case(case: Case, context: AuthContext, auth_storage: AuthStorage | None) -> None:
"""Set authentication data on this case.
If there is no auth defined, then this function is no-op.
if auth_storage is not None:
auth_storage.set(case, context)
elif case.operation.schema.auth.is_defined:
case.operation.schema.auth.set(case, context)
elif GLOBAL_AUTH_STORAGE.is_defined:
GLOBAL_AUTH_STORAGE.set(case, context)
def get_auth_storage_from_test(test: GenericTest) -> AuthStorage | None:
"""Extract the currently attached auth storage from a test function."""
return getattr(test, AUTH_STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, None)
# Global auth API
GLOBAL_AUTH_STORAGE: AuthStorage = AuthStorage()
register = GLOBAL_AUTH_STORAGE.register
unregister = GLOBAL_AUTH_STORAGE.unregister