Source code for schemathesis.specs.openapi.loaders

from __future__ import annotations
import io
import json
import pathlib
import re
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from ... import experimental, fixups
from ...code_samples import CodeSampleStyle
from ...generation import (
from ...constants import WAIT_FOR_SCHEMA_INTERVAL
from ...exceptions import SchemaError, SchemaErrorType
from ...hooks import HookContext, dispatch
from ...loaders import load_schema_from_url, load_yaml
from ...throttling import build_limiter
from ...types import Filter, NotSet, PathLike
from ...transports.content_types import is_json_media_type, is_yaml_media_type
from ...transports.headers import setup_default_headers
from ...internal.validation import require_relative_url
from ...constants import NOT_SET
from . import definitions, validation

    from .schemas import BaseOpenAPISchema
    from ...transports.responses import GenericResponse
    import jsonschema
    from pyrate_limiter import Limiter
    from ...lazy import LazySchema

def _is_json_response(response: GenericResponse) -> bool:
    """Guess if the response contains JSON."""
    content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type")
    if content_type is not None:
        return is_json_media_type(content_type)
    return False

def _has_suffix(path: PathLike, suffix: str) -> bool:
    if isinstance(path, str):
        return path.endswith(suffix)
    return path.suffix == suffix

def _is_json_path(path: PathLike) -> bool:
    return _has_suffix(path, ".json")

def _is_yaml_response(response: GenericResponse) -> bool:
    """Guess if the response contains YAML."""
    content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type")
    if content_type is not None:
        return is_yaml_media_type(content_type)
    return False

def _is_yaml_path(path: PathLike) -> bool:
    return _has_suffix(path, ".yaml") or _has_suffix(path, ".yml")

[docs]def from_path( path: PathLike, *, app: Any = None, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, rate_limit: str | None = None, encoding: str = "utf8", sanitize_output: bool = True, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema via a file from an OS path. :param path: A path to the schema file. :param encoding: The name of the encoding used to decode the file. """ with open(path, encoding=encoding) as fd: return from_file( fd, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, location=pathlib.Path(path).absolute().as_uri(), rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, __expects_json=_is_json_path(path), __expects_yaml=_is_yaml_path(path), )
[docs]def from_uri( uri: str, *, app: Any = None, base_url: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, wait_for_schema: float | None = None, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from the network. :param str uri: Schema URL. """ import backoff import requests setup_default_headers(kwargs) if port: from yarl import URL uri = str(URL(uri).with_port(port)) if not base_url: base_url = uri if wait_for_schema is not None: @backoff.on_exception( # type: ignore backoff.constant, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_time=wait_for_schema, interval=WAIT_FOR_SCHEMA_INTERVAL, ) def _load_schema(_uri: str, **_kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: return requests.get(_uri, **kwargs) else: _load_schema = requests.get response = load_schema_from_url(lambda: _load_schema(uri, **kwargs)) return from_file( response.text, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, location=uri, rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, __expects_json=_is_json_response(response), __expects_yaml=_is_yaml_response(response), )
SCHEMA_INVALID_ERROR = "The provided API schema does not appear to be a valid OpenAPI schema" SCHEMA_LOADING_ERROR = "Received unsupported content while expecting a JSON or YAML payload for Open API" SCHEMA_SYNTAX_ERROR = "API schema does not appear syntactically valid" def _load_yaml(data: str, include_details_on_error: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: import yaml try: return load_yaml(data) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: if include_details_on_error: type_ = SchemaErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR message = SCHEMA_SYNTAX_ERROR extras = [entry for entry in str(exc).splitlines() if entry] else: type_ = SchemaErrorType.UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPE message = SCHEMA_LOADING_ERROR extras = [] raise SchemaError(type_, message, extras=extras) from exc
[docs]def from_file( file: IO[str] | str, *, app: Any = None, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, location: str | None = None, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, __expects_json: bool = False, __expects_yaml: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, # needed in the runner to have compatible API across all loaders ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from a file descriptor, string or bytes. :param file: Could be a file descriptor, string or bytes. """ if hasattr(file, "read"): data = # type: ignore else: data = file if __expects_json: try: raw = json.loads(data) except json.JSONDecodeError as exc: # Fallback to a slower YAML loader. This way we'll still load schemas from responses with # invalid `Content-Type` headers or YAML files that have the `.json` extension. # This is a rare case, and it will be slower but trying JSON first improves a more common use case try: raw = _load_yaml(data) except SchemaError: raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR, SCHEMA_SYNTAX_ERROR, extras=[entry for entry in str(exc).splitlines() if entry], ) from exc else: raw = _load_yaml(data, include_details_on_error=__expects_yaml) return from_dict( raw, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, location=location, rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, )
def _is_fast_api(app: Any) -> bool: for cls in app.__class__.__mro__: if f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}" == "fastapi.applications.FastAPI": return True return False
[docs]def from_dict( raw_schema: dict[str, Any], *, app: Any = None, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, location: str | None = None, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from a Python dictionary. :param dict raw_schema: A schema to load. """ from .schemas import OpenApi30, SwaggerV20 from ... import transports if not isinstance(raw_schema, dict): raise SchemaError(SchemaErrorType.OPEN_API_INVALID_SCHEMA, SCHEMA_INVALID_ERROR) _code_sample_style = CodeSampleStyle.from_str(code_sample_style) hook_context = HookContext() is_openapi_31 = raw_schema.get("openapi", "").startswith("3.1") is_fast_api_fixup_installed = fixups.is_installed("fast_api") if is_fast_api_fixup_installed and is_openapi_31: fixups.fast_api.uninstall() elif _is_fast_api(app): fixups.fast_api.adjust_schema(raw_schema) dispatch("before_load_schema", hook_context, raw_schema) rate_limiter: Limiter | None = None if rate_limit is not None: rate_limiter = build_limiter(rate_limit) def init_openapi_2() -> SwaggerV20: _maybe_validate_schema(raw_schema, definitions.SWAGGER_20_VALIDATOR, validate_schema) instance = SwaggerV20( raw_schema, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, data_generation_methods=DataGenerationMethod.ensure_list(data_generation_methods), generation_config=generation_config or GenerationConfig(), code_sample_style=_code_sample_style, location=location, rate_limiter=rate_limiter, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, transport=transports.get(app), ) dispatch("after_load_schema", hook_context, instance) return instance def init_openapi_3(forced: bool) -> OpenApi30: version = raw_schema["openapi"] if ( not (is_openapi_31 and experimental.OPEN_API_3_1.is_enabled) and not forced and not OPENAPI_30_VERSION_RE.match(version) ): if is_openapi_31: raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.OPEN_API_EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION, f"The provided schema uses Open API {version}, which is currently not fully supported.", ) raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.OPEN_API_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, f"The provided schema uses Open API {version}, which is currently not supported.", ) if is_openapi_31: validator = definitions.OPENAPI_31_VALIDATOR else: validator = definitions.OPENAPI_30_VALIDATOR _maybe_validate_schema(raw_schema, validator, validate_schema) instance = OpenApi30( raw_schema, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, data_generation_methods=DataGenerationMethod.ensure_list(data_generation_methods), generation_config=generation_config or GenerationConfig(), code_sample_style=_code_sample_style, location=location, rate_limiter=rate_limiter, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, transport=transports.get(app), ) dispatch("after_load_schema", hook_context, instance) return instance if force_schema_version == "20": return init_openapi_2() if force_schema_version == "30": return init_openapi_3(forced=True) if "swagger" in raw_schema: return init_openapi_2() if "openapi" in raw_schema: return init_openapi_3(forced=False) raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.OPEN_API_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION, "Unable to determine the Open API version as it's not specified in the document.", )
OPENAPI_30_VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"^3\.0\.\d(-.+)?$") # It is a common case when API schemas are stored in the YAML format and HTTP status codes are numbers # The Open API spec requires HTTP status codes as strings DOC_ENTRY = "" NUMERIC_STATUS_CODES_MESSAGE = f"""Numeric HTTP status codes detected in your YAML schema. According to the Open API specification, status codes must be strings, not numbers. For more details, check the Open API documentation: {DOC_ENTRY} Please, stringify the following status codes:""" NON_STRING_OBJECT_KEY_MESSAGE = ( "The Open API specification requires all keys in the schema to be strings. " "You have some keys that are not strings." ) def _format_status_codes(status_codes: list[tuple[int, list[str | int]]]) -> str: buffer = io.StringIO() for status_code, path in status_codes: buffer.write(f" - {status_code} at schema['paths']") for chunk in path: buffer.write(f"[{repr(chunk)}]") buffer.write("['responses']\n") return buffer.getvalue().rstrip() def _maybe_validate_schema( instance: dict[str, Any], validator: jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator, validate_schema: bool ) -> None: from jsonschema import ValidationError if validate_schema: try: validator.validate(instance) except TypeError as exc: if validation.is_pattern_error(exc): status_codes = validation.find_numeric_http_status_codes(instance) if status_codes: message = _format_status_codes(status_codes) raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.YAML_NUMERIC_STATUS_CODES, f"{NUMERIC_STATUS_CODES_MESSAGE}\n{message}" ) from exc # Some other pattern error raise SchemaError(SchemaErrorType.YAML_NON_STRING_KEYS, NON_STRING_OBJECT_KEY_MESSAGE) from exc raise SchemaError(SchemaErrorType.UNCLASSIFIED, "Unknown error") from exc except ValidationError as exc: raise SchemaError( SchemaErrorType.OPEN_API_INVALID_SCHEMA, SCHEMA_INVALID_ERROR, extras=[entry for entry in str(exc).splitlines() if entry], ) from exc
[docs]def from_pytest_fixture( fixture_name: str, *, app: Any = NOT_SET, base_url: str | None | NotSet = NOT_SET, method: Filter | None = NOT_SET, endpoint: Filter | None = NOT_SET, tag: Filter | None = NOT_SET, operation_id: Filter | None = NOT_SET, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput | NotSet = NOT_SET, generation_config: GenerationConfig | NotSet = NOT_SET, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, ) -> LazySchema: """Load schema from a ``pytest`` fixture. It is useful if you don't want to make network requests during module loading. With this loader you can defer it to a fixture. Note, the fixture should return a ``BaseSchema`` instance loaded with another loader. :param str fixture_name: The name of a fixture to load. """ from ...lazy import LazySchema _code_sample_style = CodeSampleStyle.from_str(code_sample_style) _data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput | NotSet if data_generation_methods is not NOT_SET: data_generation_methods = cast(DataGenerationMethodInput, data_generation_methods) _data_generation_methods = DataGenerationMethod.ensure_list(data_generation_methods) else: _data_generation_methods = data_generation_methods rate_limiter: Limiter | None = None if rate_limit is not None: rate_limiter = build_limiter(rate_limit) return LazySchema( fixture_name, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, data_generation_methods=_data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=_code_sample_style, rate_limiter=rate_limiter, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, )
[docs]def from_wsgi( schema_path: str, app: Any, *, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from a WSGI app. :param str schema_path: An in-app relative URL to the schema. :param app: A WSGI app instance. """ from ...transports.responses import WSGIResponse from werkzeug.test import Client require_relative_url(schema_path) setup_default_headers(kwargs) client = Client(app, WSGIResponse) response = load_schema_from_url(lambda: client.get(schema_path, **kwargs)) return from_file(, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, location=schema_path, rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, __expects_json=_is_json_response(response), )
def get_loader_for_app(app: Any) -> Callable: from starlette.applications import Starlette if isinstance(app, Starlette): return from_asgi if app.__class__.__module__.startswith("aiohttp."): return from_aiohttp return from_wsgi
[docs]def from_aiohttp( schema_path: str, app: Any, *, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from an AioHTTP app. :param str schema_path: An in-app relative URL to the schema. :param app: An AioHTTP app instance. """ from ...extra._aiohttp import run_server port = run_server(app) app_url = f"{port}/" url = urljoin(app_url, schema_path) return from_uri( url, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, **kwargs, )
[docs]def from_asgi( schema_path: str, app: Any, *, base_url: str | None = None, method: Filter | None = None, endpoint: Filter | None = None, tag: Filter | None = None, operation_id: Filter | None = None, skip_deprecated_operations: bool = False, validate_schema: bool = False, force_schema_version: str | None = None, data_generation_methods: DataGenerationMethodInput = DEFAULT_DATA_GENERATION_METHODS, generation_config: GenerationConfig | None = None, code_sample_style: str = CodeSampleStyle.default().name, rate_limit: str | None = None, sanitize_output: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseOpenAPISchema: """Load Open API schema from an ASGI app. :param str schema_path: An in-app relative URL to the schema. :param app: An ASGI app instance. """ from starlette_testclient import TestClient as ASGIClient require_relative_url(schema_path) setup_default_headers(kwargs) client = ASGIClient(app) response = load_schema_from_url(lambda: client.get(schema_path, **kwargs)) return from_file( response.text, app=app, base_url=base_url, method=method, endpoint=endpoint, tag=tag, operation_id=operation_id, skip_deprecated_operations=skip_deprecated_operations, validate_schema=validate_schema, force_schema_version=force_schema_version, data_generation_methods=data_generation_methods, generation_config=generation_config, code_sample_style=code_sample_style, location=schema_path, rate_limit=rate_limit, sanitize_output=sanitize_output, __expects_json=_is_json_response(response), )